Thursday 16 October 2008


ok then this is the official launch of my blooging career. my first attempt was just a template. but to anyone just reading this they may only see it as the first one to my whole profile, well thats because i deleted it as it doesnt stand up to the fricking awesome-ness of my blogs from now on.

well lets see, well type and read but i wont go on about technicallities....though that is a complete lie as i always look for the technicalities in things.

if jesus stole ur baby, wat wud u do? i for one wud go up there and kick him where it hurts and male species, real or make-believe. im his god for saken nuts!

pump it louder! pump it louder! seems to be the only thing to be happening on the "other side" (of the common room) oh yh lets bring in an amp and make everyone deaf. great idea guys, i congratulate u....with the back of my hand.

theres only some much one person can do or take. we are all sponges (meterphorically speaking of course, though there are a small minority of absolute sissys out there) but yh sponges...theres only so much u can absorb. there does come a point wen u cant do anymore and u start to reflect the "water" and let wat u once held out everywhere.

love is noise, love is pain, love is this blues that im singing again. but also love is blind. u dont realise it but everything that goes on around u, u see in a different percecptive. watever people try to tell u, u never seem to listen. especially if its about the person u "love"....ur feeling create a screening for the truth. stupid feelings, y do we even have them, they create so much pain and misery, sure u can argue they also give u happyness, but come off it most of the time no-one is ever happy, theres always something to take u away from the light u were heading to.

never think ur life is sorted cuz there will always be something to spoil ur party

1 comment:

Charlie said...

If you dont like the music calum tell us to change it or turn it down. At least we are enjoying ourslves and making the most of our time rather than sitting at home writing depressing 'blogs' on pointless subjects that are aimed at a loyal audience that doesnt exist. try talking about your feelings rather than just writing them down. It helps