Saturday 18 October 2008


everything in the world has downsides.

never assume anything. never go into something thinking there is only one option or one side to a story. access all the options that are possible and come to a suitable explaination for the situation.

we are all so complicated. no-one is alike and there are so many possibilities. people are therefore left to formulate their own opinion of u. and most of the time they are wrong. hense all the problems between people. u can never assume wat some one is like or wat they are going to do. y cant life just be simple where everyone is the same, there are no emotions and therefore no problems. sure we'ed be "robots" but then atleast there would be no problems. apart from wen we need oiling.

life should be simlple, yet its not. we all have to live with the consequences of being caught up in the "web" of society. society is broken down in any given eexample into a hierachy. its not fair. take school for example, theres the "cool" boys, who think they are exempt from the rules. the "pretty" girls who have no time for "lower" guys the the society. the "lower" guys are then in an annoying situation, where the "pretty" girls wont give them a fair shot. our common room has split "west side" and "east side". the "cool side" and the "lower side". y cant everyone be equal. we start of equal when we are young, everyone wants to play with everyone. but then the girls "grow up" and feel they are too good for those boys who are really quite frankly better than those who the "pretty" girls chose to hang out with.

wats the point in anything. one way or another society comes back to kick u in the ass.

1 comment:

Jimbob said...

hey yeah, I suppose it was a bit inspired :> but yeah, it's good to see you're having a bit of fun with the situation at least :)