Friday 17 October 2008


u'll find that wen u stop caring everthing is so much easier.

grinning through gritted teeth has to be the hardest thing anyone can do.

luck. there is no luck in life just serious probability. i feel sorry for people who rely on luck. "see a penny pick it up, and on that day u'll have good luck" sorry but thats a load of rubbish. the odds are against u in life, a system, wenever u make a break through, theres always a probability barrier waiting for u to run into.

there are no second chances. if u lose it or make a mistake u live with the consequences. u only have one life, but with so many options to choose, be sure to make the right descisions and u'll hopefully be fine. but if u dont be sure to find a way of enjoying or find some kind of comfort on the path u are heading down.

stand up for wat u believe in. dont be pushed over. if somethings not right say so, u will be in the right, even if people say u arent, because most of the time people are so far up eachothers arses that they cant see the truth. all they can see is the crappy lives they are living. but to them thats seems the right way to live, but it clearly isnt.

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