Wednesday 29 October 2008

What it is to be 17

the cloud of misery has blown over as ive found the happyness with wat i have. so it gunna be in my opinion a less interesting blog.

24th october is a very important date for all of u, as it is and was my birthday. ive reached the grand old age od 17. a day after roise but a day before sophie. its a bit of an anticlimax year wat with the credit crunch, we're so used to getting items on our birthday, but my main present was driving lessons and so the wasnt much to hold on to. then there was school and harvest festival. its a 4 year cycle for wen my bday is on a school day. wat a dissappointment. harvest festival was rubbish.

driving lessons. im a natural. my instructor says im 10 hours ahead of where i shud be. 3 lessons gone and i can do most things. 2moz shud be interesting as i shud be going onto dual carridgeways. cant wait untill i get my liscence.

i got alot of money for my bday and with it ive bought a new guitar. a yamaha apx700 in a sunburst colour. its a great guitar, electo acoustic. the only down side is the colour and how there are 2 different types of wood but it plays fantastically.

chocolate....mmmm......i love chocolate.

half term. its funny how the teacher say "oh we want u to relax and recover over the half term" yet they set us homework. how does that work. ive got to try and sit down and do some. but with fifa09 being so addictive and the xbox in general being distractive how am i gunna do it.

hsm3. now i dont care wat anybody else thinks...i loved it, maybe not to the exstent that meg does. but the best movie u will see all year is eagle eye. its so so so good. im not gunna go into the story as it will just spoil it for u.

strictly come dancing is always good. finally mark was voted out. john just doing his thang. god the female proffesional dancers are hot, im sad to see any of them go. oh how i long to be able to dance........and to wear pink seaquins.

Sunday 19 October 2008

Way away from here

we all belong somewhere. its just at at this time i, like many others dont know where we are, or where we are meant to be. if we are already where we are meant to be, then y? i just doesnt seem it, exploitation, insultation leads me to feel not how im meant to be.

wat am i fighting for, there must be something more. for all these words i sing, do you feel anything?

u arrogant, ignorant, selfish, insensitive people never seem to listen to wats said. u seem to always think its other people bar urselves causing the damage. wen really its all u! god how hard is it to realise!

way away from here i'll be. way away away so u can see. how it feels to be alone and not believe, anything.

its hard to believe wen u have nothing to believe in.

Saturday 18 October 2008


everything in the world has downsides.

never assume anything. never go into something thinking there is only one option or one side to a story. access all the options that are possible and come to a suitable explaination for the situation.

we are all so complicated. no-one is alike and there are so many possibilities. people are therefore left to formulate their own opinion of u. and most of the time they are wrong. hense all the problems between people. u can never assume wat some one is like or wat they are going to do. y cant life just be simple where everyone is the same, there are no emotions and therefore no problems. sure we'ed be "robots" but then atleast there would be no problems. apart from wen we need oiling.

life should be simlple, yet its not. we all have to live with the consequences of being caught up in the "web" of society. society is broken down in any given eexample into a hierachy. its not fair. take school for example, theres the "cool" boys, who think they are exempt from the rules. the "pretty" girls who have no time for "lower" guys the the society. the "lower" guys are then in an annoying situation, where the "pretty" girls wont give them a fair shot. our common room has split "west side" and "east side". the "cool side" and the "lower side". y cant everyone be equal. we start of equal when we are young, everyone wants to play with everyone. but then the girls "grow up" and feel they are too good for those boys who are really quite frankly better than those who the "pretty" girls chose to hang out with.

wats the point in anything. one way or another society comes back to kick u in the ass.

Friday 17 October 2008


u'll find that wen u stop caring everthing is so much easier.

grinning through gritted teeth has to be the hardest thing anyone can do.

luck. there is no luck in life just serious probability. i feel sorry for people who rely on luck. "see a penny pick it up, and on that day u'll have good luck" sorry but thats a load of rubbish. the odds are against u in life, a system, wenever u make a break through, theres always a probability barrier waiting for u to run into.

there are no second chances. if u lose it or make a mistake u live with the consequences. u only have one life, but with so many options to choose, be sure to make the right descisions and u'll hopefully be fine. but if u dont be sure to find a way of enjoying or find some kind of comfort on the path u are heading down.

stand up for wat u believe in. dont be pushed over. if somethings not right say so, u will be in the right, even if people say u arent, because most of the time people are so far up eachothers arses that they cant see the truth. all they can see is the crappy lives they are living. but to them thats seems the right way to live, but it clearly isnt.

Thursday 16 October 2008


ok then this is the official launch of my blooging career. my first attempt was just a template. but to anyone just reading this they may only see it as the first one to my whole profile, well thats because i deleted it as it doesnt stand up to the fricking awesome-ness of my blogs from now on.

well lets see, well type and read but i wont go on about technicallities....though that is a complete lie as i always look for the technicalities in things.

if jesus stole ur baby, wat wud u do? i for one wud go up there and kick him where it hurts and male species, real or make-believe. im his god for saken nuts!

pump it louder! pump it louder! seems to be the only thing to be happening on the "other side" (of the common room) oh yh lets bring in an amp and make everyone deaf. great idea guys, i congratulate u....with the back of my hand.

theres only some much one person can do or take. we are all sponges (meterphorically speaking of course, though there are a small minority of absolute sissys out there) but yh sponges...theres only so much u can absorb. there does come a point wen u cant do anymore and u start to reflect the "water" and let wat u once held out everywhere.

love is noise, love is pain, love is this blues that im singing again. but also love is blind. u dont realise it but everything that goes on around u, u see in a different percecptive. watever people try to tell u, u never seem to listen. especially if its about the person u "love"....ur feeling create a screening for the truth. stupid feelings, y do we even have them, they create so much pain and misery, sure u can argue they also give u happyness, but come off it most of the time no-one is ever happy, theres always something to take u away from the light u were heading to.

never think ur life is sorted cuz there will always be something to spoil ur party