Friday 9 January 2009

Step Up

i have just got back from doing something ive bin dreaming of doing. i am on a high. a buzz of happiness. i have never been so happy. it is quite hard to describe how i feel right now. i feel more fulfilled than i would after sex, thats how good its is.

ur all probs wondering wat it is that ive gone and done. well im not going to say. only two people know, and they know who they are.

i do urge u all to step up and go do something uve always wanted to do. no matter what. its the best feeling ever. do it, do it now! (thats wat she said lol)

Saturday 3 January 2009

"Naomi" or "She Out Of My League"

for the first time in my life i have written a song, in which the lyrics i actually like. and for that matter i waish to share them with u. tho im dont know wat to call the song. im stuck between "shes out of my league" or to name it after the girl who inspired the song "naomi" but yes here are the lyrics, dont know wat the presentation is gunna look like but still.

She has the looks of a model, and the pictures to prove it.
Partys most night, so she knows hows to move it.
Lets her hair down, she definately knows how to lose it.
With loads of guys around her, bet she knows how to do it.

But what does that matter, how does it help me.
As an on looker, will she ever here my plee.
Wanting to ask her out, maybe go get some coffee.
Or even expand, and go see a movie.

But why would she care, i'm not even her type.
I've written this song, instead of having a good fight.
It's like giving her red wine, wen you know she likes white.
It's that kind of situation, i have no right.

So the way she moves her hips, its always a big tease.
And spending time with her, would just clearly please.
But its such a shame, i know that it cant be.
As i've come to the conclusion, that shes out of my league.

(then finish of with some "la la la"s)

i am thining of putting a chorus in, but for once i dont know how to get into one.

oh and lesley if uve read this, ive posted this at 11:45am, theres a funny timeing system lol

Thursday 1 January 2009

New Year and Insignificance

well it is 2009. i bet u ill write 2008 on the exam papers.

i did end up doing something last year. i went out with wat in a sense is my second family, and we saw australia. no not the county, the movie. it was the best movie of 2008 for me (as it was the one that stood out the most "brackets again" and the fact that i cant remember any other movies) sure i cried but that shows how amazing it was. its got everything, action for the boys and hue jackmans chest for the ladies.

afterwards we went across the road to franky and bennys. i was so hungry i ate a 10 inche margarita in like 5 mins, plus a bowl of chips and watever was going on anybody elses plates. then i had desert.

then headed back home to have a few drinks and exchange some texts. also to wat was a rather funny talk with my uncle who was back in birmingham for the new year, and he had got absolutly smashed. wen he spoke it was all slurred, a typical drunk mans voice.

insignificant, we can all feel insignificant locally and globally. i mean while quite alot of people were out partying i was at home, i felt insignificant. but then out whole island is insignificant, we celebrated the new year, but little do we notice, australia has already been in the new year for hours.

new years resolutions, they are all personal challenges, yes ive challenged myself to something this year. but those personal changes are insignificant to the world. as we lead our insignificant lives, complaing, loving, moving, enjoying, we are not making any great deal effect to the world. in hide sight we are therefore all selfish. wat will it take for someone to do something significant. now us as individuals cant do anything. but those individuals who have the power to do something, never do anything. again they focus on their own problems. wat about africa? wen will their debt be wiped? not like we need the money, the rich bastards just want more money. for christmas tom cruise spents thousands and thousands of pounds on wrapping paper and little ornaments to go on top of his presents to katy holmes. wat a selfish act i say. that money cud have been given to a town in africa and revitalised it, and with money to spare.

oh the credit crunch, we all gunna die. no we are not. no we are all gunnna be fine. people in africa have been in serious trouble for years. and once a year we give them some money which they then have to give straight back to us. NO! wipe the debts and watch how a good country it becomes.

now im only one insignificant person, i cant do much. im not asking for us to change the world, but for us all to stop complaining about our "crappy" lives. they are not crappy they are way better than u think.

i would change the world, but i wudnt know where to start, as so much of it needs changing.