Monday 25 January 2010


Have you ever noticed how people seemingly never talk to you? You may think well why shouldn't they, i'm great! But everyone is pretty much the same. Afraid of change, unable to try new things, don't want to look into the unknown. The idea of 'clicks' in the social spectrum have merely formed due to peoples' comfort zones, and i for one like my comfort zone, A LOT. But there are times i feel less popular or not having people converse with me, yes maybe being in the 'lower' social satus dictates the matter, but the matter of fact is that 'higher' status don't open up to you either. Sure they are louder and more foward at times but they never instigate a conversation. Why? Because they are just the same as you. Yes it is annoying in the world of communication, that people "don't" communicate. For example facebook, how many of your hundreds of friends do you actually talk to? Out of the say 300 friends i have only 1 of them openly starts a conversation with me, anyone else and it is up to me. Pisses me off? Yes it does. Why didn't you like our previous conversations...i think you did. Teritory what's mine, isn't yours! Demonstrated perfectly in the classroom when you decide to sit somewhere different, all hell breaks loose as you are not meant to be there. Everyone is equal but no-one wants to accept it.